17 Boredom Busters your kids will love. Fun boredom buster ideas for kids and tweens. Great DIY craft ideas and more…
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DIY Lip Balm
Make Emoji Slime With these supplies:
Coffee Filter Flowers

Make these easy and simple coffee filter roses. Grab some coffee filters and paint Aunt Peaches has other variations of coffee filter crafts in addition to this one!
DIY Scented Stickers

These scented stickers are a blast and the kids will have so much. Print out your favorite design on sticker paper and then brush on some Kool Aid! InspiredTreeHouse has great tips to make these great DIY stickers!
Dancing Gummy Worms

If you are looking for something amazing and super fun then make your gummy worms dance from PlayDough To Plato. With some vinegar, baking soda and gummy worms you will be on your way to some fun!
Singing Straws

Make some signing straws for an afternoon of fun. All you need is some straws and tape. Craft by Krokotak
Toilet Roll Bracelets

Recycle those toilet paper rolls into some cute bracelets. You will need some toilet paper rolls and yarn! From Molly Moo Crafts
Marshmallow Shooter

Grab a cup, balloon and some mini marshmallows and make your own DIY marshmallow shooter.
Straw Blown Painting

This is a super easy and fun painting craft idea from The Imagination Tree. Using straws, paint and paper your child can make their own straw blown painting.
Fireworks in a Glass

Paging Fun Mums created fireworks in a glass jar. You can make these with supplies you may already have on hand – food coloring, water and oil
Clothespin Animals

Have a few extra clothespins? Then turn those into cute animals from Peach Tree Pub. Grab those clothespins and make some cute animals!
Rainbow Bubble Snake

Making a rainbow bubble snake is so much fun and the kids will have a blast. You make these with a sock, recycled water bottle, duct tape, food coloring dish soap. Craft project by Housing A Forest
Pencil Catapult

This is so much fun – Pencil Catapult! You will need pencils and rubber bands. Little Bins For Little Hands has other catapult DIYs!
Soap Cloud

Soap clouds are not only fun to watch but a great science experiment! Watch what a bar of soap does! From Our Best Bites
Cotton Candy Puffy Paint

Want to make your own DIY puffy paint? Now you can – mix some glue and shaving cream with food coloring and even add cotton candy flavoring to make it smell great! Puffy paint craft from Crafty Morning
Giant Bubbles

Make some giant bubbles! Two Daloo has some of the best giant bubbles! With some liquid starch and glue turn slime into gak and then giant bubbles!
Baking Soda Powered Boat

Here is another great boredom buster and also science experiment in one! Take a recycled water bottle (boat) then using baking soda and vinegar, and a few other supplies to power your boat. Learn how at Science Sparks!
DIY Emoji Slime
Supplies Needed for lip balm DIYs:
Make everyday a fun day with these items hand picked by us for YOU!